Research Infrastructure
NCMU Center provides world-class scientific infrastructure, including sophisticated resources, such as research archives and data collections, library and museum collections, a big data analysis system, and analytical platforms for collective use. Some of them have already been recognized by the European Commission as MegaSicence objects within the framework of joint Russia-EU program for development of scientific infrastructures CREMLINplus.
There are the following key elements of the Center's scientific infrastructure located at the Higher School of Economics:
1. HSE Joint Economic and Social Data Archive (JESDA)
2. Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey – HSE (RLMS-HSE)
4. HSE National Russian Corpus
5. HSE iFORA Intelligent FOResight Analytics system (based on a powerful supercomputer and data cluster)
7. Monitoring of Education Markets and Organizations (MEMO)
8. Demographic Library of the Institute of Demography, HSE
The scientific infrastructure of NCMU Center is an important mechanism for promoting Russia’s among international research community and it enables the NCMU Center to be at the forefront of scientific discoveries in the field of human development.